The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has proposed a rule which would only allow restaurants to present guests with one price up front.
Service charges, even for larger parties, delivery fees, surcharges or any other fee added to a guest bill will be illegal if this rule is adopted. All costs would need to be built into the menu prices.
This rule would significantly impact the business model for many Washington restaurants. Read more about the impacts HERE.
The Washington Hospitality Association is working in partnership with the National Restaurant Association to prevent this regulatory overreach, but the FTC needs to hear from local operators like you. The only chance we have at changing this misguided rule is if the FTC hears an overwhelming response from restaurants about the negative impacts of this proposed rule. We have until Feb. 7 to get as many letters into the FTC as possible.
Please act now and tell the FTC this rule is bad for your business, employees, and guests HERE.
Please reach out to John Lane, Director of Local and Federal Government Affairs, at if you have any questions, or if your restaurant is using fees which would be impacted by this proposed rule.