Plans start at $56 per employee per month.
MEC Only
Minimum partipation is 10 employees
- 100% preventive care
- Telehealth
- $20 copay/1 office visit
- Network access
- Prescription drug card 100% for preventive prescriptions only
- COBRA/HIPAA Administration
- Outpatient illness or injury
- Specialty drugs not covered
- Inpatient services not covered
- Emergency room services not covered
MEC with 4 office visits
Minimum participation is 10 employees
- 100% preventive care
- Telehealth
- $20 copay/4 office visits, including illness or injury
- Network access
- Prescription drug card 100% for preventive prescriptions only
- COBRA/HIPAA Administration
- Specialty drugs not covered
- Inpatient services not covered
- Emergency room services not covered
MEC & limited benefits
Minimum participation is 25 employees
- 100% preventive care
- Telehealth
- $20 copay/$1,000 maximum benefit per plan year
- Illness and injury, 30% coinsurance, $1,000 total benefit/year
- Network access
- $10 copay generic drugs/$40 copay brand name drugs/$500 maximum benefit per year
- Inpatient services including illness, injury, surgeon and anesthesiologist for 30% coinsurance/maximum benefit
- Emergency room services for illness and injury
- COBRA/HIPAA Administration
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