Washington is home to one of the best hospitality research and management programs in the nation. The Washington State University (WSU) is currently looking to improve and innovate on the cost-effectiveness and sustainability supply chain of linens. Researchers are currently seeking data on how hoteliers dispose of linens.
It is important for the researchers to hear directly from hoteliers through this survey to generate more sustainable and optimal supply chain solutions for hotels like yours.
The survey is expected to take 15 minutes or less and will be available until Sunday, April 23, at 11:59 p.m.
If you would like to learn more about the research behind the technology, you can read more about Dr. Hang Liu’s cotton recycling technology.
This survey is being conducted by WSU senior Kolby Ross with mentoring by principal investigator Dr. Patricia Townsend. Kolby can be reached at and Dr. Townsend at . Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this survey. No published results or reports will identify you, and your name will not be associated with any findings. If you would like more information about the background of this survey, please read on.
For more information, you may contact WSU’s Internal Review Board at .