On Oct. 23, Burien City Council received a presentation from city staff on minimum wage across the region and how different municipalities have gone about setting a higher minimum wage than Washington State’s minimum wage. This presentation was requested by Burien City Council this past summer and was meant to be a starting point for a Council discussion.

After the presentation, Councilmember Cydney Moore made a motion to have the Burien City Manager’s office draft an ordinance for Burien based on the King County Ordinance 2023-0310 (mentioned above) that has yet to pass. After multiple hours of debate, the council failed to pass the motion (4-3) and took no action on minimum wage at this meeting.

Our team will continue to engage with Burien members, the Burien business community, and City Councilmembers to express our concerns with raising the minimum wage in Burien and potential unintended consequences of doing so.

If you have questions, or would like to be involved in the advocacy efforts, please contact Skylar and