With the latest news around increased enforcement of immigration laws, we’ve received several requests from members for resources on this topic. Below are links to state, national, and other legal resources on immigration. 

Prepare your employees and establishment in case of a raid by taking these five steps: 

  1. Understand the risks of immigration violations because employers who fail to comply with immigration regulations face significant penalties. 
  2. Take steps to minimize the likelihood of a raid, such as complying with I-9 documentation. 
  3. Know how to respond if ICE initiates an audit. An ICE audit is often initiated through a Notice of Inspection, which requires employers to produce I-9 forms and additional records within 72 hours (three days). 
  4. Know what to do if there is an ICE raid because they are usually highly disruptive, often involving immediate inspections and potential detentions. Request and examine the warrant, monitor without interfering, avoid actions that could look like you are harboring someone, and document all seized property or records. 
  5. Prepare for workforce disruptions and absences. If fear of raids affects worker attendance, train managers to engage with employees in a neutral, supportive manner and avoid threatening discipline for legally protected concerted activity. 

You can read more about preparing for a raid here. 

If your establishment experiences a raid, what should you do? We’ve collected these resources for you and your employees. If you need an attorney, you should call yours right away. If your attorney doesn’t specialize in immigration law, they probably know one to whom they can refer you. 

State resources 

Department of Commerce: Legal aid 

Northwest Immigrant Rights Project 

Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network (WAISN) resources 

WAISN’s Fair Fight Bond Fund 

WAISN’s Accompaniment Training Series 

WAISN’s Bystander and Observer Guidelines 

Quiroga Law Offices, with offices in Spokane, Tri-Cities, Wenatchee, Vancouver & Tacoma 

Latinos en Spokane legal resources 

Keep Washington Working Act – WAISN 

Washington Attorney General: Keep Washington Working Act FAQ 

National partners 

Workplace immigration compliance pdf 

Workplace immigration law in 2025: What restaurants should expect webinar 

Information from the American Hotel and Lodging Association 

Five practical steps from the National Restaurant Association 

Other resources 

Fisher Phillips’ Employers’ Rapid Response Team for DHS Raids 

Immigrant Legal Resource Center: How to hand Red Cards to agents 

Print or order Red Cards here (In 16 languages) 

National Immigration Law Center: A Guide for Employers – What to do if Immigration comes to your workplace 

ACLU: Know Your Rights – Immigrant Rights 

American Businesses Immigration Coalition Resources