• On June 1, 2024, several food service products made of expanded polystyrene (EPS) will be banned for sale and distribution in Washington. This is similar to the Shoreline reusable food serviceware requirements starting June 1 that you can read about here.
  • This ban applies to any person, firm, association, partnership, corporation, government entity, organization or joint venture that sells or distributes the EPS products covered by this ban.
  • This law bans the sale and distribution of EPS materials, even if businesses or entities have previously purchased stocks. Entities that currently distribute and sell EPS should transition to a compliant material before or by the effective date of this ban.


Expanded polystyrene (EPS), often mistakenly called Styrofoam™, is a type of foamed plastic used in takeout food containers and packing peanuts. While expanded polystyrene can be recycled, it is expensive and not accepted in most curbside recycling programs.

In Washington, foam fragments – including EPS – are two of the top ten items collected during beach cleanups conducted by Surfrider Foundation volunteers.

On June 1, 2024expanded polystyrene food service products such as cups, plates, to-go clamshells, trays, food containers, and single-use coolers will be banned.

Exempt items:

  • Block EPS packaging material
  • Trays and packaging for raw, uncooked, or butchered meat, fish, poultry, or seafood, vegetables, fruit
  • Egg cartons
  • EPS containers for drugs, medical devices, and biological materials or shipping perishable commodities from a wholesale or retail establishment

The Department of Ecology will respond to non-compliant businesses, institutions, manufacturers and distributors with education, resources and technical assistance. They will start by providing assistance in gaining compliance whenever possible.

For more information and a list of alternative products, visit the expanded polystyrene ban webpage or email . Be sure to purchase alternatives that are PFAS-free.

Also, look into our newest allied member- Green Ripple Inc. This company offers innovative, 100% eco-friendly paper products, ranging from food industry essentials to household items, all derived from meticulously selected bamboo fiber. Post-disposal, Nature Bamboo’s products decompose within 3 to 12 months.