The Washington Hospitality Association wants to affirm: Black Lives Matter.
The hospitality industry is richly diverse and has provided a path toward the American Dream for millions. Our Industry and Association must continue to improve and become the example to what “the Land of Opportunity” should be.
Our statement is not a temporary response because of headlines. It is a permanent commitment to do the deep work that is required to confront and eradicate systemic racism. Our organization will continue to advocate for employment opportunities for marginalized communities, remove barriers and obstacles to careers and increase business ownership opportunities for Black operators.
The hospitality industry strives to provide solutions, deliver great local experiences, help our team members thrive and support our communities. This goal is unattainable while the Black community is disproportionately impacted by racism at any level.
The Washington Hospitality Association is devoted to learning our role and how we can use our power to advocate for inclusion, diversity, and opportunity for everyone pursuing the American Dream.