You are allowed to require your employees to follow a dress code. Dress code requirements fall into two categories:
- Uniforms
- General dress codes
Employers are not required to pay for the cost of required clothing or attire unless it is considered a “uniform.”
Required clothing or attire is considered a uniform if it:
- Clearly identifies the employee with a specific employer.
- Has the employer’s
- Is a clothing item of an uncommon
- Has an ethnic or historical
- Is formal clothing such as tuxedos, gowns, and garments made from fine cloth.
Business suits and other traditional business attire are not considered formal attire. Employers are required to pay for uniforms. Employers may not deduct from an employee’s wages or require a deposit for a uniform.
General dress codes
If an employer’s dress code only features general requirements and allows these requirements to be met through common-colored clothing, they are not required to pay for the cost. Employers may offer to provide or pay for non-uniform dress code items.
Common colors, including light and dark variations, are:
- Tops: white, tan, and blue
- Bottoms: tan, black, blue, and gray