According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about one in six people get sick from contaminated food every year. When people eat or drink food or beverages contaminated with toxins, pathogens or chemicals, they can get sick. 

The most common forms of foodborne illnesses include five common pathogens:  

  • Norovirus 
  • Salmonella 
  • E. coli 
  • Hepatitis A 
  • Shigella

Each of these has different symptoms and can spread in various ways. They also have different means of treatment and prevention.   

Almost any food can contain some pathogen, but the following foods tend to spread more pathogens than others. They are: 

  • Fresh produce 
  • Meats 
  • Animal products 
  • Seafood 
  • Unpasteurized products, such as milk, cheese, fruit juices, etc. 
  • Dry foods, such as yeast or spices 

Learn more about foodborne illnesses and their symptoms, as well as download the e-book, “The Science of Foodborne Illnesses and Outbreaks.”