Thank you for being so patient! We are excited to announce a new date and time for this webinar. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Preparing for a crisis is an option and a necessity in today’s world. Your response to the chaotic emergence of a crisis determines whether you control the situation or let it escalate. Seattle public relations firm Fearey ensures your communication is clear, authoritative, and aligned with ongoing actions.
CEO Aaron Blank will show you how to stabilize operations, protect your reputation and engage critical stakeholders with a unified strategy. Preparation is the key to success.
This session will offer:
- Real-world samples of what to do when stuff gets out of control
- Reveal what you must do during a crisis
- Five critical steps your organization should take in advance to ensure you’re ready for the inevitable issues that can emerge at any moment
We say it takes 20 years to build a reputation but less than five seconds to destroy it!
Tune in to this webinar, and you’ll walk away with actionable steps to fortify your organization and ensure your team is well-prepared for whatever the future may hold.
Aaron Blank and Fearey Group are members of the Washington Hospitality Association’s Advisory Network. If you are a member of the association, you are entitled to 30-minute consultations with any of our advisors. Reach out to your territory manager for more information.
Join us at 10 a.m., Nov. 20.